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4th Annual Day of Caring Food Drive


25,000 pounds of food collected

1,280 volunteers and donors


Food donations directly benefit the following TAUW nonprofit partners. They all distribute food directly to your friends and neighbors experiencing food insecurity.

Bristow Social Services Broken Arrow Neighbors
Caring Community Friends LIFE Senior Services
Okmulgee County Family Resource Center Okmulgee County Homeless Shelter
Owasso Community Resources Sand Springs Community Services
Street School Tulsa CARES
Wagoner Area Neighbors  


Thank you to AVB Bank, BancFirst Wagoner, Bank of Oklahoma, Harlan Ford, Hilti, OGI Process Equipment, SpiritBank Bristow, T.D. Williamson, and Tulsa Technology Center for supporting our food donation sites.

Thank you also to our grocery store partners, Oasis Fresh Market and Supermercados Morelos!


Thank you to our Food Drive sponsors!


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